Daily Inspiration

Morning Thoughts – Remember


Memory tends to fade as we age; yet one thing remains our
love of God and what He has done for us. The important
thing to do now while you still can is commit God’s word to
memory so when all else fails, His word remains in your mind
and heart. It is His Word that has given us life.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Psalmist wrote, “I will never
forget Your precepts, [how can I?] for it is by them You have
quickened me (granted me life). Psalm 119:93 AMP

Today, commit a scripture to memory and be encouraged.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing.
Remember God Loves You and I Do Too.
Mom, Granny, Sharan

Jesus is coming – get ready.

Sharan Robinson
Have a Blessed Day – Jesus is coming soon

Sharan Robinson

I'm a retired Registered Nurse, who has a love for Jesus and for sharing His word. My passion is for the Lost to Know Him as Savior and Lord. I have been writing my Morning Thoughts now each morning for a couple of years. I hope God will use them to Bless you and others with His Word.