Children's Ministry

KIA (Kids In Action) Ministry Begins

God’s Word states that we should be tending to the needs of those less fortunate.

In the parable found in Matthew 25:31-40, Jesus says “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

What Jesus is telling us is that we need to be actively taking care of one another and especially those in need.

We are forming a new ministry, one that the school age kids and youth can be involved. We will be meeting once a quarter on Sunday afternoons to talk and formulate ideas.

Our first meeting will be Sunday, February 6. We will meet at the close of the service for lunch (provided) to discuss the best time to meet.

Parents please encourage your children to become active in this ministry. A few adults are needed to help in this ministry also.

See Kathy Hoke for more information.


Children's Ministry and Christian Education Chair