Daily Inspiration



Three Dog Night wrote a song with lyrics which started, “One is the
loneliest number.”  However, when the word “one” is used to indicate
unity, it is a number of unbelievable significance.  Paul encourages us
when he says there is neither slave or free, male or female but that we
are all one in Christ.  That unity in Christ helps us to be strong in the face
of adversity, hopeful in the face of devastation and secure in community.
We have seen this oneness in times of trials as in the case of the folks in
the Louisiana flooding and California wildfires.  But more importantly,
we see it in our churches.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile,
neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one
in Christ Jesus.”  Galatians 3:28 (NIV)

Today, be encouraged by our oneness in Christ.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing.
Remember God Loves You and I Do Too.
Mom, Granny, Sharan

Jesus is coming – we are one in Him.

Sharan Robinson

I'm a retired Registered Nurse, who has a love for Jesus and for sharing His word. My passion is for the Lost to Know Him as Savior and Lord. I have been writing my Morning Thoughts now each morning for a couple of years. I hope God will use them to Bless you and others with His Word.