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Lighthouse Fellowship Food Pantry in Action

On Thursday, I had the privilege of observing the Food Pantry at Lighthouse Fellowship at work. This ministry of Lighthouse Fellowship Church is exactly that, a ministry manned by God loving people who love helping others. I asked those who were there why they are part of this ministry. The responses, overwhelmingly, were because it’s God’s work and I love helping people. They all acknowledged that it was a blessing to be a part of God’s ministry. Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ”.

Dan Benke is the coordinator for the Food Pantry. When the previous coordinator stepped down, the Missions coordinator asked Dan if he would take over the position. God had already given him a call to become active in a ministry at the church and gladly step into the position. The Food Pantry has been active in helping the community in more ways than just providing food. However, the major ministry of the Food Pantry is providing food to those in need. They work in conjunction with Galveston County Food Bank. Dan usually pays for canned goods through the Food Bank, which is a nominal fee, but during the pandemic situation there is no charge. The Pantry is funded solely on donations and there are no paid employees. They follow the mission statement of the Church which is Matthew 25:40,”I say to you as you did to one of the least of these my brothers, you did to Me.”

A normal day at the Pantry, which is open on Thursdays from 10 a.m.-12: p.m. is filled with paperwork and filling orders for food. The clients are given a menu which they choose from available items based on a points system. During the pandemic times, the procedure has changed due to safety protocols. The volunteers are stationed outside and the clients never have to get out of their vehicle. Each family gets 3 pre-packed sacks of groceries, bread, and 2 quarts of Clorox. The volunteers, who are masked and wearing gloves, place the food in the trunk or back seat of the vehicle.

We need to get the word out that the Food Pantry at Lighthouse Fellowship is open every Thursday from 10 a.m.–12:00 p.m. for those that need help.

I believe that the Food Pantry is living out God’s word as spoken through Isaiah 25: 4, “For you have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat.”

Submitted by Kathy Hoke


Children's Ministry and Christian Education Chair